You may question the necessity for using any type of visual multimedia marketing as part of your company’s growth strategy. After all, blogs, social media, and email marketing exist for that purpose, right?
Well, while those tools are certainly a crucial part of any company’s most effective marketing strategy, implementing visual multimedia marketing has the potential to grow your business even further! If you’re failing to see traction or you’re looking for a more aggressive approach to building your clientele and email list, corporate documentaries are one way to go.
Why Do I Need Commercial Video Production?
The answer is simple. We know that a picture is worth a thousand words. Studies keep proving over and over that social media works best when there are visuals attached to the message. Images are powerful because they allow the message to go beyond just a few catchy advertising words, they can tell a complete story in a short amount of time! Video production takes that story up a notch and allows you to take your new hires, investors, potential customers, and others on a journey. That is the real beauty and gift of relationship marketing – people respond favorably when you have taken the time to bring them into your world and share a part of yourselves with them. Nothing does that better for a business than telling your company’s story in documentary or video form.
How Will the Documentaries Be Used?
Corporate documentaries can be used on the company website, in email campaigns and on social media. It’s a chance to visually share your company’s history, your overall vision for the future, and to prompt visitors to become involved and engage your company in a variety of ways. Professional video production done right can turn an otherwise bland message and call-to-action into a visually stunning story that encourages action.
How Do We Start?
Don’t make the mistake of trying to create a corporate documentary on your own. It’s true that personal cell phones and digital cameras have much more advanced capabilities than they did 5 or 10 years ago. However, weaving all of the components together to create a cohesive, polished, and powerful marketing message takes a collaborative effort and a professional’s touch.
Get in touch with us at Red Hall Films and we’ll be happy to guide you on the best practices and most effective ways to tell your story through film. We know you’ll be happy with the results and that you’ll see your potential customers turn into highly engaged, loyal fans!